Friday, November 2, 2018

Linux Must Have Applications

Must Have for My Need

  1. TimeShift
    System backup with snapshots for easy rollback
    Other backup solution Grsync and Back in Time
  2. Graphics Software
    Inkscape, Gimp, Krita, 
  3. Web Browser
    Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox
  4. Productivity Suite
    LibreOffice, Google Apps
  5. Audio & Video Editing
    Audacity, KdenLive
  6. VLC Media Player
    Obviously VLC has dominated the market with the codec compatibility, but more importantly for me was the ease of creating your own theme.  I have a killer theme customized for me so I love using it and provide me with some pride and accomplishment.  "Self pad on the back so to speak"
  7. Veracrypt
    Disk encryption software
  8. KeepassXC
    Password manager to help manage your hundreds if not thousands of passwords
  9. FontBase
    There are literally thousands of fonts in the world and will be in the millions soon so it's important to have a font manager to help in the graphics designing.  The most important is that you dont need to install the font onto your system which in turn will help with performance overall since the system does not need to preload all those fonts.

Nice to Have

  1. PlayOnLinux
    Install Windows application using Wine with ease 
  2. Windows Games has tweeked Wine and uses things like forStarcraft II  uses DX9 to OpenGL - 64 bit - Wine Staging + Esync.  Other games will have other dependencies to optimize that particular game.
  3. Thunar Bulk Rename
    Just like the name suggested, it gives you the ability to rename filenames in bulk based on patterns 
  4. Konsole
    Terminal with the special ability to clone your commands from one session to another.
  5. BeyondCompare
    Find and merge differences in files
This list is not complete.  I will be updating throughout the next month as I see the regular use of some of these tools.